XVI  World Congress of Comparative Education Society (WCCES).


XVI  World Congress of Comparative Education Society (WCCES).
Dialectics of Education: comparative perspectives
Beijing normal university China 22nd to 26th August 2016.

img-20160828-wa0006The international conference was organised by WCCES at Beijing normal university. Dr. Sangeeta N. Srivastava Principal and CAO, Kandivli Eduction Society and Prof. Dr. Indu Garg Department of Education, University of Mumbai, jointly presented a paper titled “Bridging the Gap Between Quality and Quantity Using ICT: An Indian Classroom . The conference was attended by several educationists and research scholars from different parts of the world Including UK, USA, Canada, Finland, France, China, India, Pakistan, Malaysia, South Africa, Korea. More than 1500 proposals were received online by the Congress of which 990 were selected. 880 scholars, researchers, educationists participated, out of which 220 speakers presented their papers theoretical as well as based on research. Most of the presenters were from foreign countries. round the clock to help. 17th World Congress on Future of Education as a theme will be organised with future classrooms, future of teacher training andimg-20160828-wa0008 future of Educational technology and many more sub themes will be held at Mexico cancun in 2019. Prof. Wang Yingiie, Vice President WCCES, img-20160911-wa0002expressed his gratitude and said in this global village it’s very important to have this kind of intellectual exchange between nations with education as a catalyst for resolving conflicts among different cultures and contributing towards peace in the world. Exchange of ideas took place continuously and it was hoped that by the time next congress will be held the world would become a better place through this exchange. Beijing Normal Univ organised this mega event. Keynote speakers with experience of several decades spoke on various issues related to comparative education.


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